[Gnome-bindings] Ok, here we go...

Looking at the list of subscribers, it seems that everybody who's in
the game has subscribed, except for Andreas and Marius, whom I'm
taking the liberty to cc: since they wrote
gnome-libs/devel-docs/gnome-language-bindings.tex. This is a very good
previous effort of what we're trying to do (Andreas, Marius, if you're
still working on bindings please subscribe :-)

So I suggest we start trying to assemble this guidelines which we've
been talking about.

Here's a start, I've tried to break the points down into
subsections. Comments are preceded by a '***'. If you follow-up,
please change the subject appropriately :-).

GtkObjects definition :

- state which fields are private, public.

- public data members are best avoided, provide accessors (*real*
  ones, not macros.

- avoid macros in general (except those for the GTK+ type system of

- use const on char* whenever appropriate.

- for functions returning a pointer, state who's owning it (e.g. if
  it's up to the user to free it).

- in function names, try to avoid keywords, e.g. gtk_foo_map() which
  could be turned into GtkFoo::map(), but 'map' is a Perl keyword and
  C++ algorithm (of course it's pretty hard to do, you can't know
  every keyword of every language, just apply general common sense).

*** I'm not sure about the validity of the next one : it is drawn from a
section from gnome-language-bindings.tex, which says that wrapping the
subclassing of a GtkObject is hard/impossible, but we have done it in
Gtk--, and I suspect some (most ?) of you guys have done it as
well. You tell me :

- do not force the user to subclass an object to use it

GtkObjects functions :

- passed pointers should be deep-copied (useful for GCed languages,
  and not only those actually, we've had this pb in C++ as well)

- when providing C-array based APIs like GtkItemFactory or
  GnomeUIInfo, also export the low-level functions which operate on
  one element of these array (like gtk_item_factory_create_item()).

- the gtk_foo_new() (or gnome_foo_new()) call should just call
  gtk_type_new(). If more initialisation needs to be done, the ptr
  should be passed to a gtk_foo_configure() call.

*** This last one is an old Gtk-- specific issue - may be some of you need
it as well ? The reason behind it is that Gtk-- provides its own
GtkType, so we never use gtk_foo_new() directly.

Callbacks, signals :

*** Fortunately, closures are coming in GTK+ 1.4, which should solve
    the issue altogether, but before that, this one, directly from
    gnome-language-bindings.tex, is still valid :

- callbacks must always carry one freely setable pointer
  argument. Callbacks should also have a DestroyNotify.

- signals : state if the user can directly call them or can only
  connect them.

Other types :

- use opaque types (with a constructor and most of all a destructor)

- have a consistent memory management policy

Well, that's all I can think about. Off to you guys. :-)


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