Re: [jokosher-devel] SVG vs. PNG loading on startup

On 8/31/06, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org> wrote:
I'd suggest that they're created during the package build process; I
still think we should avoid having downloaders run "make" or similar
before Jokosher will work.

There's no reason for the *user* to ever have to run make. One of the problems I found while playing with the SVGs was that the instrument dir in jokosher-art was horribly out of sync with the one in the code. There is not much point in having two copies and trying to keep them in sync when you can just put a make file in the jokosher-art dir and have it fill JonoEdit/trunk/Instruments/images with the png renderings.

Using this idea, whoever changes the SVGs would be responsible for running make before they commit. Or better yet, every once and a while someone just runs make, like how I run make in the locale dir to update the POT file from time to time.

Then packaging would simply be a process of running all the makes to make sure everything it up to date, and taking the needed files. There would be no extra build process scripts and the user would not be required to do anything -- even if they did a straight checkout from SVN.


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