[HIG] Re: Is there a Keyboard shortcut for "Stop" or "Interrupt", a Gnomey "Ctrl-C"?

Ralph Aichinger writes:
Hello! I didn't find anything in the HIG, so I am asking here:
Is there a standardized Keyboard shortcut for interrupting
Applications when there is no "Cancel"-Dialogue displayed?
Obviously the classical Ctrl-C cannot be used, as this is
Copy. MacOS uses or used Cmd-. (dot), dont't know about
Epiphany has a toolbar button for this, but no menu entry
strangely enough (Epi was the first app I thought about
for looking up a gnomey way to do that).
view -> stop is the same as stop on the toolbar and it binds to escape. 
Nautilus use to do this as well, but it was causing them problems with 
rename mode so they had to remove it. 


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