[HIG] Re: [Usability]HIG/GNOME 2 usability comments (long)

On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 10:05:55AM -0600, Gregory Merchan wrote: 
> F12 is the only one.

Alt+F12 to roll up, then.

> > I can't think of anything here, as far as appearance to use.
> Maybe shade support should be dropped?

I think it'd be too painful.
> Neither Alt+Esc nor Alt+Tab should focus a non-modal transient-for window.
> (When a transient-for window is modal, then it receives focus if the parent
>  window would not.)
> Utility windows, palettes, and toolboxes, when not transient-for another
> window but still related to a window should not be in the Alt+Tab or Alt+Esc
> sequence. (I don't know how often such windows are used. Maybe they
> aren't.)

The problem with excluding these from Alt+Tab is that there will be no
way to focus them with the keyboard whatsoever at that point, as far
as I know.

For a modally-shadowed window, this is fine, focusing it is useless
anyhow. But for toolboxes, palettes, and windows that have nonmodal
transient dialogs, focusing them seems legitimate, and you can
definitely do it with the mouse - so we have to be able to do it with
the keyboard, or it violates the accessibility guidelines.


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