[HIG] Reschedule meeting next Tues.?

Hey folks --

Thanks for getting those reviews in! Unfortunately (well, fortunately for me :) I am going to be tied up for either much of Monday or much of Tuesday, which means that it's going to be difficult to get the comments integrated and posted by Monday afternoon, and I may have a conflict for the meeting time itself. Would folks be able to make a meeting at 1900UTC (12PM PDT) on Thursday, 25 October? What about Friday, 26 October? Monday, 29 October? Let me know which of these would work, and which would work best.

I'm sorry for pushing this out; on the other hand, I know a few of you still have review comments that you wanted to make, so this would effectively push the deadline out a couple of days (although I'm going to be starting to integrate comments as soon as I finish this email).


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