Re: Bug in gyrus_admin_login()

On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 18:26 +0200, Andreas Haumer wrote:
> While testing gyrus (which is really a nice utility)
> I found a bug in function gyrus_admin_login() in file
> gyrus-admin.c
> The problem occurs if a user tries to login to the
> IMAP server using a password which contains white
> space characters like ASCII 0x20, which is perfectly
> valid according to RFC1730 and RFC3501

Yes. You are right. I opened a bug in bugzilla and attached your patch

If you are interested in keeping track of the bug, please get a bugzilla
account and add yourself to the cc list.

Thank you!


Claudio Saavedra <csaavedr wh8 tu-dresden de>

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