[guppi-list] Guppre0.40 pre 1


I had to do a rename on the tarbal:
mv Guppi-0.40.0-pre1.tar.gz Guppi-0.35.666.tar.gz

after this I could do
 rpm -tb Guppi-0.35.666.tar.gz 
and it produced two rpm files: Guppi and its devel package.
Those two installed without a hitch

I have RH7.1 with up to date Ximian Gnome and a homebuild bonobo 1.09
and gnomeprint 0.29 (as ximian still uses g-p 0.26 and bonobo 1.07)

so far so good.
now firing up gnumeric 0.71 and filling two colums with some numbers.
invoking the graph-guru after selecting the colums.

I get the dialog with the title: step 1 of 3:
however, the dropdowns in the dialog are emty.

I presume I should see someting like bar-chart, scatter-plot or
pie-chart, but there is nothing to choose from.

Anybody have any idea what could be wrong here?
(It's gnumeric again right?, it couldn't be the fish! :-)

Guppi3 compiles great again, no glitches whatsoever.
Thanks Guppi developers, great job!

Tino Meinen

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