A brief Guppi update

Some of you have have noticed that things have been very quiet since
the last release --- there have basically been no CVS commits since

Rest assured, development continues at a fevered pitch.  I've spent
the last few weeks breaking *everything*, and I'm now very close to 
having all of the pieces put back together.  I hate checking in
broken code that won't build properly...

Hopefully the upcoming long weekend will provide some good
opportunities for coding, and I'll be able to do a monster CVS commit.
I think I've actually touched *every single* .c and .h file in the
guppi3 tree (though many of those changes are trivial: I changed a few
things about how I handle #include files, and used a perl script to
propogate the change across the tree), so the next one will be big.

The next release will be the "prelude to printing" --- it won't
actually do printing, but everything under the hood should be ready to
support it.  The whole underlying architecture is also greatly
improved, and I've added a full constraint-based layout system that is
much more powerful than what I had before.  If everything goes well,
I'll release 0.35.1 within the next week.  (Because so much has
changed, I've bumped up the minor version number.)


GNU/Linux: Free your mind and your OS will follow.

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