Guppi 0.34.5 released

I've released version 0.34.5 of Guppi. 

You can download it from the usual place:
The 0.34.5 tarball is there now; RPMs and .debs should be available

As always, the Guppi Home Page is at

This version features:

* Actual plot element layout, so that (for example) axes can be
  properly placed below and to the left of plots.  For the first time,
  Guppi can produce things that actually look like proper plots.

* Marginal box-plot elements.

* Initial work on internationalization, with partial translations into
  Danish, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Russian and Swedish.  (Thanks
  to everyone who contributed translations!  We are still missing
  major languages like French and Spanish, so more help is always

* The usual miscellaneous bug fixes and optimizations.

Still no bonobo support: it keeps getting pushed back in the priority
queue.  For the last few weeks, I've really emphasized adding new
features --- now I need to go back and do some architectural
de-crufting.  After that, the next thing on my to-do list is support
for printing.


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