
I've gotten gettext working properly, and I'd like to get Guppi
translated into as many different languages as possible.

Being a typical American, and thus being largely useless in anything
other than English(*), I'm going to need help in this endeavor.  If
anyone would like to volunteer to help translate Guppi's text strings,
please e-mail me.

There are only about 130 strings, and most are very short (one or two
words) --- so this isn't a huge job.  Of course, the number of strings
will grow with time: If you volunteer now, I will keep pestering you
in the future to do more translations.  So you have been warned. :-)


(*) I did to a partial Swedish translation, which I need help to
finish/fix since I'm weak on technical vocabulary.  I said "largely",
not "totally"...

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