Guppi micro-update

I've been very pleased to see an uptick in interest in Guppi since I
made my announcement about resurrecting the project.

Since then, I've been working on the guts of the plotting code.  I've
now got machinery in place so that scatterplots are drawn with
anti-aliased, auto-zooming markers and so that the color and size of
the markers can be controlled by extra variables.

In guppi3/src/libguppiplot from CVS is a little demo called
(appropriately enough) "demo", which does a "4d" plot of a canned
dataset.  Two variables control the x- and y- positions, a third
controls the color and a fourth controls the marker size.

There is also some hacked-up navigation.  The left and right mouse
buttons zoom in and out, and the middle button recenters the display.
You can "paint" the data into three different styles by holding down
shift while pressing a mouse button.

There are some glitches in the navigation and the screen updates while
brushing, but it is kind of fun to play with.  None of this stuff is
accessible via the guppi app yet --- it is all still just

This pretty much concludes guppi development for 1999.  I'm leaving
today for the .se domain to spend the holidays with family, and
probably won't have time to do much more guppi hacking until January.
I'll issue another status report when I accomplish something
non-trivial, which will hopefully be in about a month.

Anyway, have a merry holiday-of-your-choice.

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