White-paper on ASCII import

I had a look at the ASCII import as implemented in Goose now, and decided
that it was not ambitious enough, and wouldn't serve my needs.  

Here follows a specification of what I want.  I won't be able to reuse much 
of the existing code, but at least it served as an inspiration.

Comments very welcome.

Whitepaper on ASCII import in Goose

We want to design & implement a mechanism general enough to be able to import 
a wide variety of ASCII files with numbers and strings arranged in columns
into a useful data-structure, and preserve and correctly extract as much 
information as possible.  In other words, the mother of all ASCII import 

The ASCII files originate from a variety of sources, ranging from ASCII
exports from other programs, hand-edited files and everything in between.
For this reason, they are very common, and good support is important in any
column-handling program.

The main focus is numbers, but we should be generic enough to handle strings
in general, and other types.

We want the mechanism to be as automatic as possible, but still allow for
manual overrides where practical.

While we want to do as good as possible, it's better to import something in 
a wrong way than not import it at all.

The main problem we face in this task is that ASCII files have no uniform 
structure.  We need to handle a lot of parameters, and still be efficient
enough to handle fast imports of about 100000 data.

This white-paper describes the specifications for a general ASCII importer 
which will be implemented as a generic engine which plugs into different data 
sources.  Some data sources will be able to handle strings, and numbers, 
while others will only handle numbers.  Others will handle missing 
information, others will not.
The goal is to implement a general importer that supports different receiving 
data sources.

When we say that the user should be able to configure something, this is not
necessarily the end-user in the interface.  Primarily, it's the user of the
importing engine, i.e. a programmer, but typically, most of the settings 
should be exported into the end user interface as well.

End-of-line conventions

There are three common end-of-line conventions:

0x0D 0x0A  DOS/Windows
0x0A       Unix
0x0D       Mac

We want to support all, and mixes of them.

We want to be able to import a file saved in Unix, but edited on DOS, such 
that some of the lines end with 0x0A and some with 0X0D 0x0A.

We could support strict modes where we enforce one particular kind, but
chose not to.  Instead, we default to an automatic mode, where any of the 
three end-of-line conventions will denote an end-of-line.

In general, empty lines are always ignored.

Since empty lines are ignored, we can obtain the automatic behaviour by
defining the end-of-line characters to be any of 0x0d or 0x0a, or 
equivalently convert all 0x0d characters to 0x0a and then just have
0x0a as the end-of-line character.

We will only support files where the data for a row is kept completely in
one line as defined above.

We ignore control-characters, including end-of-file characters 0x04 or 0x1a, 
and form-feed characters 0x0c.  Generally, all characters with codes below
0x20 are ignored, except line-delimiters and tabs.

However, if we received more than 10% of these characters in the first 10
lines, we issue a warning that the file might be binary, and not ASCII.

We specifically handle all characters above 0x7F as unsigned characters such
that they are preserved.  We assume that the lower 128 values are the same
as in ASCII.  
I.e. we support ASCII, and all iso-8859-X encodings.


When the data in a ASCII file is regarded as invalid by the importer, the
faulty data should be handled in a forgiving manner, and parsing should 
continue for some time.  The default is to be forgiving of 5 problems,
and report these as warnings to the user.  The user should be able to 
configure the number of tolerated errors (including 0), and the number 
of reported warnings (including 0) seperately.

We want to be able to import the good stuff from things like

    Column 1  Column 2
1         12       123
2        hmm        23
3     232.43        23
4   2323..23    -2-323

Here, the "hmm", "2323..23" and "-2-323" are probably recognized as errors,
but the rest should import correctly.

Missing data

We need to optionally handle missing data as well as possible:

    Column 1  Column 2
1         12       123
2                   23
3     232.43        23

Here, we miss a column header at position (1,1), and a number at 
row 2 column 1.  If the receiving data source supports it, we
handle it.  If not, we throw an error.

Column separation

The data in an ASCII formatted file is separated into columns in different
ways.  The two main styles are "free-format" and "character-delimited".

Free-format delimited text

The free-format style delimits the columns by the visual appearance. This
is typically the case for manually constructed files:

   Column 1  Column 2
         12       123
          2        23
     232.43        23

We restrict ourselves to the case where the formatting of the columns is
implied by using a mono-spaced font.  The main characteristic is that 
the columns will span disjunct character-intervals of the line, rather
than be delimited by some special character.

One parameter to watch out for is the width of a tab-character.  Per
default, the tab character is 8 characters wide.

Another parameter is to allow for "spilled" columns.  Sometimes, a column
will spill beyond the bounds of the column:

   Column 1  Column 2
         12 1234567890
          2        23
   1234567890  123324

The opposite is strict column separation, where the above would become
something like

   Column 1  Column 2
          2        23
   123456e4    123324

We default to spilled columns, because this preserves the most information.

The free-format handles missing data in a predictable way.

If we decide (see later) that a file is in free-format, we automatically
try to define the columns by reading the first ten lines of the file.

Each of these lines is divided into columns at runs of white-space 
characters, ignoring white-space at the beginning and end of a line. 
Each run of white-space will be recorded with start and end-position.
Each line will then represent a number of columns.  The number of columns in 
the file will be estimated as the most occuring number of columns in these
first ten lines.

Now, for each line that contained this number of columns C, we have C-1
spans of white-space.  Pool all these spans into C-1 sets 
WS_start_pos(1..C-1) and WS_end_pos(1..C-1).

Now define the column boundaries to be like this:

Column 1 is defined to start at column 0 and end at the most common
number occuring in the set WS_end_pos(1).

Column 2 is defined to end at the most common number occuring in the
set WS_end_pos(2), and so on.

Hopefully, this algorithm will give a useful estimate, but the user should
be able to override the width of every single column.

Character delimited

The columns can be separated by one or more fixed characters, surrounded
by white-space.
The delimiter is thus defined by two parts, where the first is a fixed length
string, and the second is a "white-space" set of characters.

A delimiter is then defined as any number of white-space (including 0) 
followed by exactly one instance of the fixed length string and then any 
number of white-space, including 0.  

As a special case, the fixed length string can refer to the general 
white-space class by using any one of the strings in the white-space set.
I.e. if the fixed-length-delimiter is defined as ", ", and the white-space
is defined as " \t", the fixed-length delimiter is in fact either the string 
", " or the string ",\t".  In the table below, we note these cases with
a *.  The reason for this special case is in order to handle commas as
delimiters a little better.

Sometimes, we will be able to determine that we miss data in a line, but not 
in which column we miss it.  Then we should report a warning, and stuff the
data in starting at the first column.

If we decided that the data is character delimited (see later), we will 
estimate the delimiter like this:

Read in the first 10 lines.

For each line, count the number of occurences of the different delimiters:

	Fixed-delimiter		white-space
	space			[none]
	tab			[none]
	space			space tab   *
	";"			space tab
	","+space		space tab   *
	","			space tab
	":"			space tab
	"/"			space tab
	"|"			space tab
	"*"			space tab

(Do you know of other used ones?)

Notice that we want to differentiate between comma followed by one whitespace,
and just comma, because of data like

  column 1, column 2
  12,32, 23,23
  12,12, 12,23

which is common with a comma as the decimal delimiter, and it corresponds to

  column 1;column 2

using a semicolon as delimiter.

Then we pick the most common delimiter as the delimiter D.


The data in every column can be quoted.
Per default, the columns are not regarded as quoted, but the user want to have
the ability to specify that numbers are delimited by parenthesis, and the
strings are delimited by "s, for instance.  This is probably a DataType-class 
issue as discussed later.


The numbers can be formatted in a variety of ways.

The main parameters are:

Decimal symbol: "." or ","
Digit grouping symbol: "," or "." or none.

We need to handle "scientific notation" as well:

-123, 123e12, 123e-123, -123e123, -123e-123

Similarly, we want to handle variable negative symbols:
-123 or ~123.

We also need to handle variable negative symbol placement.
I.e. the above would become

123-, 123e12, 123e123-, 123-e123, 123-e123-

We also have to be configurable regarding whether to demand
leading and trailing zeros next to the decimal symbol:

Allow ".1", "1.", "." for "0.1", "1.0", "0.0"?
The parameters would be "demand leading zero" and "demand traling zero".

All of this is probably a DataType-class issue as discussed later.

Column specification

The number of columns in a file can be explicitly defined, or determined
automatically according, as the most common number of columns encountered 
in the first 10 lines, ignoring the first line (since that will often be the 
column headers).  If the maximum number of columns exceed 100, we give a 
warning before going to work.

The columns in a file can be of different types.  This will be handled by
provided different DataType implementations.  We should at least handle
numbers and strings.  The user should be able to specify that a given
column is required to be of a given type, and then report errors on elements
in the column that does not obey this.

There should be a facility to automatically determine the types.
After determining the number of columns as "X", we will build a 10 x X table
with the types as we best judge them, and then default each column to be the
most popular type, while numbers are preferred to strings.
Notice that we determine the number of columnes before we attempt to determine
the type of the columns.  This might be a bad idea, but this is the design
I think is feasible.

The user should be able to chose the interpretation of the first line of data:
"Headings", "Data" or "Automatic".  In the case of "Automatic", the first line 
is mostly strings, it is treated as headers for the columns. If not, the 
headers will be empty, and the data regarded as numbers.

Header and footers

Often the data will be prefixed with some general information about the
data, and maybe ended with some text about the data.  we don't want to 
handle that specially.  We only want to be fault-tolerant.


Sometimes, the user will have formatted the file horizontally, and
the columns of data will be rows in the file:
Column 1   12     2   232.43 
column 2  123    23    23

We need to be able to rotate the table 90 degrees.

This is typically the case when there are substantially more columns than
rows in the file, but it's difficult to give a sensible automatic default,
especially before we read the entire file.
Therefor, we just provide a switch to allow to rotate the data, which the
user will have to use by hand.

Dynamic preview

Since so many parameters can't be decided by a program in a predictable
way, we need to support nice user interaction.  However, instead of 
provided a way to access the tokens as delimited by the engine, I 
instead propose that we support importing of only the first N lines 
of the input.

Then the preview can be implemented in a simple way like this:

First, import the first N lines of input, and try to automatically set
all parameters.  Now, present the result of the first N lines of input
to the user in a mini-column-view, and allow him to change various 
parameters.  When a parameter is changed, the data is reevaluated and 
represented to the user.

Once the user is satisfied, he'll press OK, and the entire file is imported.


When we say that we will read the first 10 lines of a file, we are talking
in a general sense (everywhere):  The exact amount of lines could well be 
less if the file ends before we reach ten lines.
The number of pre-read lines is 10 per default, but of course this is 
There is another user-definable restriction: we only pre-read up to 4000 
bytes per default in order to avoid long response-times on binary files.

Implementation notes

The reading of the first 10 lines to be used as a learning mechanishm
does not restrict us from using streams as input.  We'll just write
a wrapper that buffers the input (if we can't use one of the existing).

A data type is defined by a class that defines two methods:

template<class T>
class DataType {
	// Returns the number of characters that can be matched
	// as an instance of this type.
	size_t recognize(string const & s);

	// Parse the value as an instance of this type, and
	// return the value.
	T parse(string);

Such a class with handle all of the number format issues, as well as
qouting and escaping for strings and other stuff.

Maybe we should add a "learn" method that given a bunch of strings will 
let the DataType automatically configure itself for all of these parameters.


I'll design a generic class hierarchy to implement all of this ASCII import 
feature on Wednesday, and start to implement it.  If you have an comments, 
please say so before that.



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