User-Agent header


while looking at the HTTP headers created by libgupnp, I found that the
User-Agent header does not match the requirements from the UPnP spec (at
least not the document I am looking at at the moment). There it is

OPTIONAL. Specified by UPnP vendor. String. Field value MUST begin with
the following “product tokens” (defined by HTTP/1.1). The first product
token identifes the operating system in the form OS name/OS version, the
second token represents the UPnP version and MUST be UPnP/1.1, and the
third token identifes the product using the form product name/product
For example, “USER-AGENT: unix/5.1 UPnP/1.1 MyProduct/1.0”.

The related code in gupnp-context.c looks like this:

  user_agent = g_strdup_printf ("%s GUPnP/" VERSION " DLNADOC/1.50",
                                g_get_application_name ()? : "");

and creates a string like this:

  "Remote Control GUPnP/0.14.1 DLNADOC/1.50"

Is this something that should be changed or is this actually correct
according to some other spec?


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