Last monday's meeting was dedicated to a single point: leave behind tavon (John), zwnj (Behnam) and I were around, we discussed the new version of the GUADEC theme and the homepage. The GUADEC horizontal navigation bar combined with the navigaton blocks is the issue that took us more time. We decided to leave the discussion until tavon has a real example in place, which should happen soon. In any case, while we don't have anything better implemented we are going to keep the current nav bar, with as many improvements as we agree. We also pointed out that the search doesn't work due to the old PHP version currently in the window server. There are rumours of server acquisition/upgrades and we hopefully get benefited from that. tavon and Devin (Alberto Mesas) need ssh access in order to work better and faster (I have it but my skills at the command line, MySQL and so on are, well, very basic). We have requested the accounts already. And that was, more or less. The full log: qgil: hi tavon, have you started the meeting? tavon: nope qgil: ok, then... tavon: btw, you can download the latest theme update at qgil: _Devin_, dexem, halfline, roozbeh, tavon, terral, toniher, vuntz and zwnj are invited to join the GUADEC weekly meeting qgil: ok, I will do it after the meeting (and after some dinner) :) dexem: hi qgil qgil: hi dexem qgil: so, should we talk about the website then tavon: ok qgil: it's not the most important thing but it's one of th oldest topics and something urgent to fix tavon: right qgil: this theme tavon, do you think it's stable enough? tavon: i think so qgil: good tavon: the framework is pretty good tavon: I changed the layout to be semantic tavon: but I'll be updating the theme and site content tavon: during the next couple weeks zwnj: hi there tavon: wanna see a screenshot? qgil: did you find out what happened with qgil: of course, screenshots are always useful tavon: not yet tavon: yes tavon: actually that was a stupid whitespace after the ?> php closing tag qgil: good :) qgil: do you have a screenshot of the homepage? we could discuss it having it as a reference qgil: hi zwnj tavon: qgil: I wasn't able to get the wireframes of the new content layout I was talking about done yet ***tavon is taking a screenshot of the website qgil: well, no problem, we can have a more pragmatic approach starting deciding now how do we reorg the homepage in order to solve the problems we know it has qgil: we also need to talk about navigation, taxonomies (content tags/categories) and registration qgil: (((if there is any other topic you want to discuss in this meeting please tell us now))) tavon: you can see the screenshots at tavon: the changes are new header/footer tavon: plus layout change to 800x600 qgil: tavon: this is not the homepage, is it? tavon: qgil: it is tavon: no tavon: this is "about guadec" apge qgil: can we have the homepage then? :) tavon: my homepage version is waaay too long... so I use the "About GUADEC" page which also shows some Tango icons being used for the book navigation qgil: if you log out do you still have a far too long homepage? qgil: it's difficult to discuss thr homepage without having seen it :) tavon: i uploaded the frontpage tavon: it's currently using the default node_page() output, which is just the node teasers... qgil: right, let's discuss qgil: header, how is it defined? qgil: and why have we lost the gnome foot? tavon: it's just the secondary links tavon: I haven't had the time to insert it yet qgil: ok by now qgil: in the future, if this header will be used in other subsutes tavon: yes qgil: this gnome nav bar will be an include or somethinfg somilar tavon: right qgil: this way ine change in one place will change automatically all the subsites qgil: back to today :) Puaff [~Puaff 133 Red-217-126-10 staticIP rima-tde net] ha entrat a la sala. zwnj: tavon: would you change the color of the logo? Puaff: bona nit tavon: zwnj: sure qgil: bona nit and good night Puaff tavon: zwnj: can you send it to me? tavon: Okay I'd liket to talk about how to organize the front page qgil: can we just finish with the header and footer? tavon: qgil: sorry? qgil: if we can go on discussing the header tavon tavon: sure qgil: guadec nav bar tavon: okay qgil: still unconvinced about your proposal zwnj: tavon: here: tavon: zwnj: thanks tavon: Let me explain my reasoning for the new GUADEC nav tavon: I'd like to move the "Why Attend", Registration, Sponsors ...etc to the body of the page tavon: like banners tavon: please take a look at tavon: I'd like to something similar by having a large banner promoting GUADEC with a nice graphic/photo header and dates tavon: below the banner, qgil: i agree wit the principle qgil: my disagreement comes with the tabs selected for the guadec bar tavon: I think it would be great if could do something similar to the "Why Attend" in a 240px X 200px button qgil: in the nav bar is conventional tavon: qgil: how is it unconventional? qgil: you don't get an idea of what's on offer in the guadec website qgil: by seeing the filemaker nav bar you do get an idea tavon: the nav bar doesn't give the whole picture... there's just not enough room qgil: i'm not saying the whole picture, I'm saying "an idea" :) tavon: we can create "Registration" Buttons that are large and colorful on the body of the website zwnj: tavon: just a typo: User*s* and Developor*s* tavon: I think if we had a block on the "GUADEC 2006" page with all the current links and more it would much more organized and easier to navigate.. tavon: zwnj: thanks :) tavon: i'll fix that qgil: ok, let's think it in another way qgil: I'm in a secondary page somewhere tavon: qgil: we will still have the current navigation links on the frontpage but in different forms qgil: what jumps are I likely to want without having to go back to the homepage? qgil: I think schedule is a most in the nav bar tavon: if I want find out more about GUADEC 1) I can click on teh GUADEC 2006 tab 2) There should be reoccuring blocks/buttons on every page about GUADEC zwnj: tavon: how about adding a little gnome foot at the end of the gnome bar? zwnj: and maybe remove the "" link at all tavon: zwnj: you're right, I will add it, I didn't get a chance to tavon: zwnj: it's going to be a foot with "GNOME" beside it qgil: tavon: what about adding News, then zwnj: tavon: uh, cool qgil: i this nav bar you are listing like types of content, isn't it? tavon: qgil: news will be 1) on the front page, but just titles 2) people can click on the "Archive" tab to find page news qgil: what archive tab? tavon: qgil: we can also add a block on each page that shows "Recent News/Updates" with the last 5 entries qgil: besides, "archive" sounds like past, old, not relevant anymore tavon: oops "Registration" was supposed to "ARchive" tavon: we it is tavon: well it is... zwnj: tavon: i think that's better to not have transparent image under the GUADEC, Forum, etc buttons. it makes buttons floating tavon: but we will have a block with the most recent news qgil: but most of the GUADEC 2006 news are relevant during this months, they get past when the event is finished tavon: zwnj: what browser? zwnj: ff 1.0.7 tavon: qgil: we can have the most updated news on both the frontpage and the GUADEC 2006 page tavon: and every other page qgil: so what is the principle of the nav bar? tavon: zwnj: I'm not sure what you mean by floating? qgil: what is the common denominator of the current tabs your are suggesting? zwnj: tavon: buttons are not transparent, i meant the world tavon: qgil: catgorization of content by type/section/relevance tavon: qgil: please note that every page related to GUADEC 2006 will have a GUADEC 2006 Block with all the relevant links tavon: it's the submenus but in block form tavon: not the tab form tavon: we can fit more things in qgil: I'm just concerned about users having to go back to the homepage everytime to find what they are looking for tavon: that are relevant, but also makes it easeir to find and navigate tavon: no, the block will alwasy be there zwnj: tavon: the bar that buttons are over it, has transparent background, when buttons have solid backgrounds. it makes the buttons disjoint from the page tavon: I just want to move the current links into a block qgil: well, I guess this discussion needs to ake place with those link blocks in place qgil: otherwise I can't read your mind :) tavon: zwnj: can you send me a screenshot? zwnj: guadec_homepage_top.png tavon: qgil: i totally understand where you're coming from... qgil: the guadec nav bar is just so visible that the eyes fall there when they don't know ehere to go qgil: this is my concern tavon: zwnj: actually that's by design tavon: zwnj: does it look weird? qgil: if we put "secondary stuff" there such as the forum or the archive... I fear users will get confused clicking there and getting lost in some past thread tavon: qgil: my opinion is that a permanent block on the top-right or topleft on the site is just as visible and much more noticable b/c we cna theme the block tavon: qgil: they will see the GUADEC 2006 block on those pages too qgil: this is why I0m saying there is no point having this discussion before having that blosk in place :) tavon: on the forum/archive pages too zwnj: tavon: yes, a little (of course it's personal... but just want to let you know) tavon: yes tavon: What do other people think about zwnj's suggestion to not show the globe below the tabs? tavon: there's about 15px showing below the top nav tabs zwnj: tavon: it's sexy on the other hand ;) tavon: thanks :D qgil: I don't see it's an issue, it looks good IMO tavon: qgil: we should try to create the block today after we install the theme tavon: we can also keep the current top nav for now tavon: until the block is themed and well positioned qgil: the confusion maybe comes from the fact that the left side is white-no planet, as opposit to the right qgil: this effect works above the tabs but may cause some visual noise/confusion below them qgil: tavon: ok, will you be aroud tonight? kikidonk [~kikidonk 62 235 68 158] ha entrat a la sala. tavon: yes... perhaps I should remove the search bar ... then you'll be able to see taht spain is glowing... qgil: I'll need some time to have dinner and have a bit of family time... tavon: qgil: np qgil: (((the search is not working now due to a server limitation - mysql server version or something, this is why I removed it waiting the sysadmins to upgrade the server or the infrastructure people giving us a new one))) tavon: qgil: what's the limitation? qgil: so yes, the search needs to be removed by now anyway tavon: okay qgil: mysql or php versions qgil: php, I think tavon: ahh.. must be a php extension that's not installed... tavon: zwnj: I need some help creating some banners for the website qgil: no, the cause is qgil: we need PHP 4.3.3+ tavon: qgil: i see qgil: let's go to the footer? tavon: zwnj: do you ahve time is week to help me create some this week? zwnj: tavon: ok, i can help you until fri tavon: qgil: sure tavon: if you look at the footer there's two bars qgil: tavon: the dark blue bar is the "real" footer tavon: the light one is for extra information qgil: extra information, like...? tavon: my plan is to have that contain alot of extra info such as all the comments, comment form, the sponsor logos, and addition blocks qgil: I see tavon: the content will be aligned and have the same width as teh body above qgil: ok, we'll wait seeig it in action tavon: btw, the site is totally flexible now and we can have a liquid layout and not have it 770px wide but as wide as the user's screen as well tavon: qgil: yeah... :( tavon: sorry for taking forever guys qgil: I think the o-organisers will need to be in the dark blue with a "powered by" style, maybe the cornerstone too tavon: sure qgil: ok, back to : the blocks terral: anyone here actually in Spain? tavon: qgil: the default theme for the block is the "syndicate" block... ***qgil types from Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz) tavon: the others are for demonstration purposes... I have about 10 different outlines/backgrounds available with more coming terral: qgil: cool qgil: dexem from Zaragoza, toniher from Barcelona or Girona I think, Puaff seems to be also Catalan... qgil: terral: why? tavon: qgil: I have to go now... I have a phone interview for in a few minutes qgil: oooooooook good luck :) tavon: sorry qgil: 21.56 time to finsh anyway -- Quim Gil -
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