[guadec-list] Weekly meeting log - 20 Feb
- From: Ludovic Danigo <ldanigo yahoo fr>
- To: "guadec-list gnome org" <guadec-list gnome org>
- Subject: [guadec-list] Weekly meeting log - 20 Feb
- Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:17:01 +0100 (CET)
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Vilanova time)
--- Sujet de #guadec défini par qgil à Fri Feb 3
09:17:37 2006
<ldng> hi
<-- fsmw est parti (Ex-Chat)
--> Puaff
(~Puaff 133 Red-217-126-10 staticIP rima-tde net) a
rejoint #guadec
<Puaff> hello all
<Puaff> bona nit!!!
<ldng> hola
<bolsh> hola
<bolsh> Eating - be back in a few minutes
<ldng> eheh
<ldng> ok
--- Proposition de DCC CHAT à zwnj
--- qgil|away se nomme maintenant qgil
<qgil> hi there, we start our weekly meeting. bolsh,
halfline, ldng, Puaff, treitter, vuntz, zwnj are
<bolsh> Hi
<zwnj> hi all
<qgil> so, bolsh we can start with your suggested
<ldng> hi
<bolsh> Great :)
<qgil> it would be good to finish at 22h , if possible
<qgil> * Sponsorship - getting the ball rolling, see
my mail earlier.
--> tavon
(~jhwang c-67-185-202-113 hsd1 mi comcast net) a
rejoint #guadec
<qgil> bolsh: I think it's worth we have a call you
and me about this, when you want tomorrow
<ldng> qgil, I haven't integrated your changes yet
<qgil> then I can coordinate with Javi, who I met in
Málaga and is being really helpful
<ldng> I'll start after the meeting
<qgil> ld (no problem) :)
<qgil> about Jeff, we talked a lot in Málaga
<bolsh> qgil: For the rest of this week, and for the
weekdays next week (Monday to Friday) I'll be
travelling with work
<qgil> ok, then I think I'll simply go ahead
<bolsh> We can talk after the meeting if you'd like?
Otherwise I will occasionally be on mail, but it'll be
toughto get me on the phone
<qgil> Jeff and I talked about sponsors, I also talk
to HP we had similar conversations with the same HP
<bolsh> I can give you my mobile number if you'd like
<bolsh> OK
<qgil> a bit expensive to call to mobiles
<qgil> but really, I sepnt the 3 malaga days basically
selling guadec
<bolsh> I don't really mind who talks to HP - I had
understood that Jeff had started talking to Bdale
about GUADEC, so I prefered to keep it to one person
<qgil> and many of our advisory board members had
stands of their spanish branches
<bolsh> A bit expensive for me too :)
<qgil> just to let you know, here I have some busines
cards from...
<ldng> suspence
<ldng> oups :)
<qgil> IBM, HP, Intel, Bull...
<bolsh> Yay!
<bolsh> Bull - there's a blast from the past
<bolsh> They used to have a Unix
<ldng> they're behind Jonas & co I think
<ldng> among other things
<qgil> Sun and Novell
<bolsh> (by the way, can we have sponsorship stuff,
which might make it tougher for people to work
internally, sent onlyt to guadec-planing?)
<qgil> plus all the regional goverments doing GNOME
rrelated stuff (they already know me)
<qgil> plus some possible media partners like
<qgil> O'Reilly, Linux Magazine and some others
<qgil> I also had conversations with Telefonica
<qgil> a good avergae were qute interested
<qgil> bolsh: I don't understand your last sentence
<ldng> qgil, regional gov sponsorship ? What would say
la generalitat ?
<bolsh> What do O'Reilly give as media sponsors?
<bolsh> ldng: The great thing about regional
governments is that they're not (really) in
<qgil> the generalitat wants that we get the most
institutional involvement from wherever, thy don't
<ldng> oh great !
<ldng> bolsh, yes and theory, but political
suceptibilities ... you know :)
<qgil> O'Reilly, they could advertise on their
website, be there with a stand (a possibility) and
give us a box of books or something like that
<qgil> they are open to suggestions
<ldng> well things start looking good ! I like it :)
<qgil> ldng: the regional governments are being pretty
good leaving aside the politica difference when
talking about free software projects, they could be
morre effective collaborating but there are not like
internal battles
<ldng> that's very good for us
<qgil> I'm only waiting the brochure now to continue
the contacts by email
<ldng> :p
<ldng> almost done, almost done
<qgil> a non-beta website with a clearer structure etc
would also help, but it's not crucial
<bolsh> qgil: They asked GIMPCon to host a safari
bookshelf last year... that's an idea. But I'm kind of
hesitant about over-pimping GUADEC
<bolsh> qgil: Who were you talking to in ORA?
<qgil> well, have you seen my proposed packages for
<qgil> Josette Garcia (French in O'Reilly UK)
<qgil> have you seen I'm suggesting sponsors may have
a stand?
<bolsh> qgil: I can put you in touch with Tim O'Reilly
or Nat Torkington
<bolsh> qgil: I'm happy with stands
<bolsh> Stands is good
<bolsh> I was answering my own point
<bolsh> about safari bookshelf
<ldng> yes, they will like to show off
<ldng> that's basically what they're looking for
<qgil> http://beta.guadec.org/node/43 is a perfect
place for that, just in the entrance. easy to mount
<ldng> visibility
<qgil> bolsh: I can write back Josette CCing Tim and
Nat, or something like that
<ldng> sidenote, about the wesite, why not pass it
right now to www.guadec.org and 2006.guadec.org ?
<ldng> there's something weird with beta status
<ldng> it make things look staled IMHO
<qgil> agreed, but I'd like to leave the beta stauts
by leaving the beta status, not just cnaging the url
<qgil> basically, aving the new theme
<qgil> back to sponsors
<qgil> bolsh: you are away this week, let Javi and me
make the initial contacts through the collected
contacts in Malaga
<qgil> you have seen there is a good bunch og GNOME
advisory bpard members there
<qgil> all of them agreed it was good to contact
Spanish branch as well as Linux/GNOME despartment in
the headquarters
<qgil> when you come back we have a look on the steps
done and the feedback received
<ldng> yep as I was saying to qgil the other day, a
lot of telco and phone company might be interested, I
mean the one who also participate in "linux on the
phone" type of consortium, palm ... so on. Are there
plan to contact them ?
<qgil> yes, Jeff talked me about the Palm thing and he
said he had some contacts or idea of contacts or...
<bolsh> qgil: OK
<qgil> Telefonica was intiially contacted, Vodafone
had a stand
<qgil> T-Systems is in our list of sponsos, and is a
branch of T-Mobile
<bolsh> You want to contact Nokia, IBM and Intel?
<bolsh> I will carry on with Sun and OSU OSL
<bolsh> Can I introduce someone to people?
<qgil> "people"?
<bolsh> And can we keep the list I sent roughly
up-to-date, please? I'd like to avoid a situation
where a potential sponsor doesn't get talked to and
slips through the cracks
<qgil> IBM and Intel are already in my list at a
Spanish level
<qgil> I will be happy having the contacts
internatinal, so I can CC everything in a single email
<bolsh> "people" = you & Javi
<qgil> please do
<qgil> about Nokia, same thing
<bolsh> qgil: Danese Cooper and Waldo Bastien are our
contacts in Intel, and I was recently talking to Jim
Kelleher in IBM about the advisory board
<bolsh> For Nokia, you can contact Christian Schaller
in Fluendo - he has lots of contacts with Nokia's R&D
<bolsh> I can certainly give you a couple of names &
email addresses, but perhaps it's best to go through
<qgil> (Nokia: maybe we can CC Guillem Jover, Maemo
developer, Catalan and he knows me - if this is a
warranty of something) :9
<qgil> I was thinking meeting Christian and the
Fluendo people next week, since I'll be in Barcelona
<ldng> what about having status reported, let's every
week or every two weekly on guadec-planning ? This is
sensible ongoing stuff that should not be public as
one sponsor can change is mind for some reason and
should be bashed over for that
<qgil> they are a clear possible sponsor themselves
<qgil> abiut guadec-planning, if nobody has an
objection I will unsubscribe all the inactive people
<qgil> their presence makes me stop sending certain
<qgil> it's not about them personally
<qgil> it's just the fact of having people subscribed
not directly involved in GUADEC'2006
<qgil> and not knowing exactly their affiliation etc
<ldng> no, that what planning is for I think, sensible
stuff that need discration
<qgil> bolsh: send me an email with these contacts and
I'll proceed - I can have you in the CC if you want
<bolsh> OK
<ldng> qgil, as your coming would need to meet me ? Or
just like ;)
<bolsh> qgil: Which inactive people, in particular?
<qgil> ldng: we will meet the 28th, isn't it?
<qgil> let me check the subscribers list...
<ldng> qgil, I'll try but it's not sure, next week
might be quieter, but I guess you'll have a tight
<ldng> anything else on sponsorship front ?
* qgil sends to bolsh the list of "inactive people" in
guadec-planning since I only have emails and don't
want to publicise
<ldng> or we might pass to agenda's next point ?
<ldng> oh ok
<bolsh> Bombs away
<qgil> next point
<qgil> Travel & accommodation, getting money made
available to pay people's expenses, and soliciting
expense requests
<bolsh> OK
<bolsh> We should establish a procedure for subsidy
applications urgently
<bolsh> We're only 4 months away from GUADEC, and
people are starting to plan travel
<bolsh> I'd like to suggest that the board guarantee a
minimum budget ($20K)
<qgil> mmm this is the double you said for Stuttgart,
isn't it?
<bolsh> And based on that budget, and on sponsorship
funds that come in over the next 8 to 10 weeks, we
figure out how to make the conference not lose money
<bolsh> Yes, this is double
<qgil> ok
<qgil> I'm happy with this :)
<bolsh> I believe we will have no trouble raising ?35K
<qgil> I think we can get more money than in Stuttgart
<qgil> Spain, as saidm is a saucy cake for the GNOME
related companies
<bolsh> If we get the same ?60K, then that will be a
<ldng> would that make sens to start think about how
spliting it ?
<qgil> these 60K of Stuttgart include the 30K "given"
by the landwirts govt for the venue?
<ldng> I mean x% for traveling, y% for accomodation ..
<bolsh> qgil: No
* ldng away a few minutes
<bolsh> That was ?60K cash sponsorship
<qgil> ok
<qgil> $20k
<qgil> I tink especially the non-Europeans should
state quickly if they need sponsorship
<qgil> intra-European flights are much more affordable
<bolsh> Yes
<qgil> I also think that, by default, the people we
sponsors should "do something" in GUADEC, from
volunteering to running a session... something
<bolsh> The board got a mail from Lucas Rocha looking
for support
<bolsh> this week
<qgil> ok, what should be the channel and which the
procedure to approve sponsored participants?
<bolsh> I'd like the "do something" to be an
all-year-round thing in preference
<qgil> ok, we can leave to them to sugest something,
at their preference
<bolsh> Someone giving a talk is a good candidate for
sponsorshipo, but "maintainer of modules X, Y and Z"
is a better candidate
<qgil> +1
* ldng back
<ldng> Just thinking aloud, would it be possible to
get an airline company not offering money but flight
as a sponsorship or is that stupid ?
<qgil> I see this only so complicated
<qgil> they offer discounts etc
<qgil> but for bogger events, maybe asking for some
<qgil> booking in advance with ryanair wetc may be
<qgil> when can we have these 20k confirmed/available
<qgil> anyway, we can announce the request for
<qgil> we dint need to go on a strict first come.
first served basis
<qgil> however, we can state clearly that early
requests are easier to satisfy than late requests
<qgil> next?
<qgil> * Call for papers - status, closing date,
selection process.
<qgil> status: poor
<qgil> closing date: we said The deadline for
submissions is 31st March, 2006.
<bolsh> Before we move on, I'd like to point out that
getting a process in place for subsifdy requests is a
<bolsh> We need to announce that this week
<bolsh> qgil: Was that action point on you?
<qgil> I'm the only one here from the Registration
team... :)
<qgil> this means yes
<qgil> i guess it's guadec committee (guadec.planning)
who approves/denies the requests
<ldng> qgil, bolsh may you should make more buzz about
GUADEC in your blog
<ldng> calling for paper there as well
<ldng> with blinking warning
<qgil> we could also pre-locate the sessions proposed
in the seleton schedule
<bolsh> ldng: Will do, when I get the chance to blog
<qgil> following the suggested track/day
<ldng> onlly 123456787 hours left
<bolsh> You may have noticed I'm in the closing stages
of organising another conference at the moment,
alongside lots of time away from home
<qgil> this way people will start seeing how the
schedule takes shape
<bolsh> Not that I'm complaining
<ldng> bolsh, no no :)
<bolsh> I haven't seen many posts on general mailing
lists (outside foundation,-list and guadec-list) for
the acll for papers
<qgil> will post about the sessions already proposed,
this will help others moving on with the proposals
they have in mind
<bolsh> It might be a good idea to announce it on
gnome-hackers and desktop-devel-list
<qgil> do we need artifacts easy to forward?
<bolsh> ?
<qgil> :) emails easy to forward
<qgil> that are sent through the mailing lists
<ldng> I don't know planet, but would it be possible
to syndicate a category, like GNOME or GUADEC ? That
way I would setup one in my blog and make more buzz on
planet that way news wouldn't always seem to come from
qgil only, that there's activity
<ldng> maybe davyd can do it ?
<qgil> the RSS to syndicate should be simply the
guadec.org feed, isn't it?
<ldng> qgil, what do you mean ?
<qgil> and the activity should happen primarly in
guadec website
<qgil> making buzz on planet is ok
<qgil> but the buzz needs to be in its origin, the
<bolsh> Have we asked jdub and gnomedesktop to
syndicate the GUADEC feed?
<qgil> otherwise people will keep reading only planet
etc and forgetting about GUADEC itself
<ldng> which won't attract until it quites beta
<bolsh> qgil: It needs to lead to the guadec site, but
it doesn't need to *be* there
<qgil> bolsh: yes, I did for
<qgil> will re-send to jeff
<bolsh> OK
<bolsh> Ask gnomedesktop too
<bolsh> They do RSS sidebars
<qgil> yes, I was just waiting for us to have a logo,
since all their sections have a logo :)
<bolsh> When's the closing date?
<qgil> The deadline for submissions is 31st March,
<qgil> Can we leave the printing stuff for another
<ldng> concretly, how many have we got now
<ldng> ?
<qgil> wait...
<bolsh> OK
<bolsh> So what happens after the 31st?
<ldng> we can start finishing the planning ? :)
<bolsh> Usually, it takes about a month to decide what
presentations are accepted, finalise the schedule, and
get bios, photos and abstracts online.
<qgil> (need to see how to retrieve only the papers
<bolsh> So the earliest we have a finalised schedule
is May 1st
<bolsh> Wich is OK
<bolsh> But we need to be aware that everything needs
to be ready for the printer by May 30th to have
<qgil> which is ok
<bolsh> Even earlier - since usually, there's at least
one round trip
<qgil> oh, now I remember we have a proposal for the
printed progra,
<qgil> but... let me explain it by email and we
discuss it there
<qgil> basically
<bolsh> OK
<bolsh> Do we have a procedure for selecting papers?
<bolsh> The committee of 5 we had last year was pretty
good, and quick
<qgil> a magazine would be happy printing it in
exchange of advertising, covering the costs with
advertising in the own program and being consideres
media partners
<qgil> they made and printed the Malaga conference
official newspaper
<qgil> we don't have procedure
<qgil> yet
<qgil> guys, need to go...
<qgil> feel free to continue
<qgil> :)
<ldng> ad ? for there magazine or free for them to
choose ?
* bolsh also needs to go
<ldng> I'll continue along :p
<qgil> ok, thanks
<ldng> joking
<qgil> cab someone post the whole log to the list?
thank you
<ldng> see you
<qgil> bye!
<ldng> I'll do
--- qgil se nomme maintenant qgil|away
Ludovic Danigo
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