We're in need of a pig-tail

Hello Guadec 

Since we have problems with one of our accesspoints used for the external
internet connection, we need 2 pig-tails for connection access point and

Description: one side "rptnc", other side "n" (don't ask me for details).

If you have one adapter and want to help us (or even buy it) and have it
till Saturday 1200 (yes, in about 12h) here in Stuttgart, it would be very
great, if you can send me an email.

I try to check my mail before I go to the Haus der Wirtschaft for further

Thank you

Jörg Hoh

Was denen einen ihr Watergate, ist den anderen ihr Firstgate.
- Thomas Bliessner, <slrnd1hklm g53 nospam melix com mx>

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