2005 GUADEC House (non-)announcement

My dear fans and participants of the GUADEC House,

This is an announcement from your friendly host that there will be no GUADEC House for the Stuttgart GUADEC in 2005.

The reasons for this are many:

- Low attendance: More than half of the regular participants of the GUADEC House are not going to be able to attend GUADEC 6 in Stuttgart and thus will not be able to participate in a GUADEC House this year.

- No vacancy: The real estate market in Stuttgart and surroundings is a vast, arid desert. Who are we to expect the market to open up just for us? With the conventional real estate market locked up, I am not aware of any vacation houses available in the region. See the two following points for a more detailed explanation.

- Low acceptance and understanding: Except for special tourist areas, conventional Southern German landlords (especially, but not only, in the federal state where GUADEC 6 is going to be held) are mentally only able to handle long-term commitments of at least a few years on end. Anything as flimsy as a quick one-week deal cannot happen inside their minds, so it cannot happen for us. They are highly inflexible and the concept of renting a house or an apartment for that short time is practically impossible to get across.

- Acute time shortage preventing miracles: Things are not going too well over here, so I cannot put my resources to work on doing magic and pulling an apartment deal out of the hat on such a short notice. Sorry. There will be better times.

So all I can suggest to the once hopeful prospective guests of the GUADEC House is to find accomodation in the Youth Hostel arrangement offered by the GUADEC organisation team, or to snatch a bed (bring your own blanket or sleeping bag) at CAMP Stuttgart, provided that that accomodation opportunity has been organized by now.

Apologies for having let you wait for this long and then meet you with negative news, I really hope to be able to make it up to you next year, in 2006, wherever that will be.


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