Re: [guadec-list] Thoughts on

Thank for the feedback, let's see...

En/na Andy Wingo ha escrit:

>    * user ops probably don't need to be on top of the list -- not 
>      frequently used

Changed. Better now?

>    * absorb top guadec navbar into sidebar? just a thought

Remember this theme is provisional, we will includo this thought in the
contest for a definitive theme. All the layout is controlled by the
theme, which works autonomously from the content.

>  - Space
>    * lots of space is occupied by boilerplate: the gnome banner at the 
>      top, a subbanner for guadec, the sidebar, the view/edit tabs, the 
>      heading, the wiki Home >> Guadec 2006 bar... need to shrink this 
>      probably via CSS -- more like with a sidebar

More tips for the contest.

>  - urls
>    * should be seen as -- these 
>      mod_rewrite rules, dropped into .htaccess, will fix that I think:
>      RewriteEngine On
>      RewriteBase / 
>      RewriteRule ^([^?]+)$ /?q=$1 [QSA]

stro knows, he need to deal with the sysadmins due to some configuration
of the servers.

>  - toplevel page should give a feeling of a static intro to guadec, with
>    only part of it being devoted to recent news -- e.g. something like
>, but with news; also how
>    does one edit the toplevel page?

Working on this. Now there is an intermediate solution. Editors are and
will be able to edit that page, including pure XHTML and php.

> Thoughts? Who is actually doing this, qgil and stro?

Kind of. Fernando is working on the online registration. Yes, we need help!

En/na Murray Cumming ha escrit:
> Also, I see no space for sponsor logos. We need quite a lot of space for
> that.

There is a banner module installed and yes we will need locations in the
layout to place banners.

Another hing are sponsor logos on the bottom of the homepage and the
sponsor pages. I don't think they should be so big (and somewhat ugly,
but this is subjetive) as in . A cute row of
sponsors at the bottom of the page plus a verbose sponsors page
explaining the virtues of every partner in a clear diamond-gol-etc
hierarchy can be better perceived by the sponsors and of course the users.

As an alternative, setting a right column with sponsors like at is a one minute task (if you
have the sponsors and their logos)  ;)

Quim Gil -

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