Re: [guadec-list] Re: Barcelona report

Any combination of sessions has possibly been already invented.  :)

>From what you all say, a possibility could be:

- One keynote everyday for everybody. The days overlapped with IGC this
keynote should aspire to be also an IGC keynote so we get a big
audience. No other activities are held during the keynote, this is our
way to say: hey we think this is also important for you.

- Some well defined tracks. One should be friendly with GNOME outsiders
(business people, politicians, free software fans, innovation lovers,
general users, etc) and be celebrated the days overlapped with IGC.
Choose key subjects for GNOME for the other traks. We may consider one
day tracks i.e. internationalisation, multimedia, wireless devices,
future-of-GNOME so people really interested in these tracks make sure
not to miss them. The simultaneous tracks should have as much
differentiated profiles as possible i.e. GNOME Marketing <--> Mono/Java
(although there will be always people wanting to be everytime everywhere).

- One or more rooms for continous BOFs, workshops, project meetings,
demos... Specific enough to convince the right people to attend even if
they miss a session of a track. This activity is scheduled in the
program and people wanting a sesion here need to apply to the Call For

- One free room for free activities. People can make a
reservation/announcement in the wiki with basic time/space constraints
in order to allow everybody to have a chance during the GUADEC. Ideal
for last minute activities and people who got off the official schedule.

If we could agree on something like this, specifying how many
simultaneus tracks and how many rooms, then we could have a specific
requirement for the IGC in terms of how many spaces/days/hours. And a
clearer vision of what the GUADEC7 will be.


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