GUADEC Details

Hey GUADEC goers!

It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights, it's time to
get things started on the GUADEC list tonight!

So if you haven't already booked your flights and accommodation for
GUADEC, there's plenty of time left! The GNOME Foundation have organized
a special discount on all international Lufthansa flights flying into
Germany. There's plenty of other low cost carriers around the place, and
many other options for cheap travel. GUADEC is coming to Stuttgart,
Germany - center of the known universe.

There's also a list of top quality hotels available, that the committee
have organized special deals with. If you are interested in these deals,
you need to book by the 27th April! If you prefer some cheaper options,
watch out for some announcements soon - we've already got 100 beds
booked in the Stuttgart Youth Hostel, ready for registration to open any
day now!

If you haven't decided to go to GUADEC yet, then it may be worth your
while looking at the current schedule -

We have keynote sessions from Dan Kusnetzky of Enterprise Computing
Group, IDC and Mark Shuttleworth of Ubuntu, Cannonical and spaceman

This is an opportunity to see how much Robert Love really eats for
breakfast, what Jeff Waugh's pants actually look like in real life and
many, many other freak^W^W^W^W marvels of GNOME. GUADEC is by far the
best place to meet some of the developers of the project, in a friendly
environment - see the faces behind the mails, go for beers, enjoy the

Registration will be opening soon - can you afford to miss it?


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