Glynn Foster <glynn foster sun com> writes:

> A couple of people have been slightly hard pushed to meet the deadline
> that we put on the GU4DEC papers, so I've decided that it's in
> everyone's best interest [especially the conference], that we extend the
> paper submission dates.


I already sent you my paper yesterday, but it isn't listed there yet.  I suppose that's
just because you guys are too busy, but since I'm leaving to vacations in a couple of
hours, here it is again in case it got lost somehow:

Full Name: Martin Baulig
Email Address: martin ximian com
Affiliation: Ximian
Postal Address:
       Ahornweg 3
       54296 Trier
Contact Telephone Number: +49-179-7912790
Travel assistance: needed unless Ximian pays for me, need to ask Miguel

Title: The Mono Debugger


The Mono Debugger is a completely new debugger which is written in C#.  Unlike
other graphical debugger frontends, it is a completely new debugger and now just
a wrapper for an external debugger application such as gdb.  While our main focus
was producing a debugger for .NET applications, it can also debug "normal" Unix

In this talk, I'll give an overview of the overall architecture of the debugger,
explain why we wrote a completely new debugger and how it interacts with Mono's
JIT engine.  Since the debugger is designed in a very modular way, it's also easy
to write other frontends for it or to integrate it in IDE applications.

I'll also demonstrate the GUI and explain people how to debug their applications
with it, so this talk will be interesting both for users and for potential

At the end of the talk, I'll also explain which areas of the debugger need more
work and where potential contributors can help with making an even better
super-kick-ass application.


Martin is a student of applied mathematics and computer science in Germany.  He
became involved with GNOME and Free Software since the early days of this project.
After taking a longer leave to concentrate on university, he quickly became involved
with the Mono project and finally became employed by this wonderful and great company
Ximian where he's now hacking on Mono and the Mono Debugger as much as his student
live permits.

Btw. I still need to ask Miguel whether Ximian pays for my travelling, if not, then I need
travel assistance since I can't afford the trip on my own.

Which kind of full paper do you guys need and how long should it be ?

According to the web site, the deadline for the full paper is the 1st of May, so I'll wait
until the end of April before writing it.  This gives me one full month of hacking on the
debugger, so the paper will actually be up-to-date.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org
martin ximian com

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