Re: How to properly exit a thread?

Yes, you are right. The thread is always running and reading new data from a file and waiting for the new data to be consumed and then read more new data.

I can't make the thread joinable, because the thread is always running during program execution. What I want to do is to exit the thread just before the program is going to exit. That's what I don't know how to achieve.


This is a design issue. You'll need someway to signal your thread to that its time to finish up. There are some different ways of doing this, but they all depend on your design. The immediately obvious approach would be doing something like, when you consume the last batch of new data, find a way to tell your thread to die.

Just because your thread is running continously does not mean that it can't be joinable. In almost all cases, threads are indeed joinable. The most common case when you might want to create a detached thread (one thats not joinable) is when the detached thread needs to run beyond the lifetime of the creating thread. And this isn't even always true. As much as I've ever read, basically, the only reason to create a thread detached is to explicitly say "I never want to join this thread" Which in your case is not *necessarily* true.

If you've only got the one thread working, then my advice would be this:

In your read/consume cycle, find a place to tell the read_new_data thread that this is the last chunk to process and let it die, then call read->join() in your main thread to wait for it to join.

If thats impossible for some reason, you'll need to share a synchronized variable that can be used as a flag to tell the worker thread to exit, and I'd still reccommend calling read->join() in that case.

Getting anymore specific without code is gonna be hard, and if you're still having trouble I recommend reading "Multithread Programming with Pthreads" by Lewis and Berg.

Hope that helps.


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