Re: Improve DrawingArea drawing


El Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 11:56:05AM +0000, Josepo Urrutia escribio:
> I'm trying to draw a dinamicaly generated drawing into a Gtk::DrawingArea 
> as fast as is possible.
> The drawing stuff is done into a Gdk::Pixmap (a lot of draw_segments) that 
> depents on external information ( a socket, a file... whathever ).
> On the other hand I've a timer that looks if there is a new image to load 
> (a new pixmap generated), if the pixmap is generated a queue_draw call is 
> done.
> Last in the on_expose_event we simply do a draw_drawable of the pixmap to 
> the window.

You should use a Gdk::Pixbuf if you need speed. Then, you can access the
raw image data and then copy that to the X server.

If you need more speed, you should generate and copy the image in small
chunks (for example, as groups of scan-lines), this will improve the
cache eficiency a lot.


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