Re: hiding columns on certain rows

Jason Burchfield escreveu:
I have a Gtk::TreeView with two columns. Is there any way to hide a column on certain rows? I use a Gtk::TreeStore and I use a CellRendererToggle in the first column. I only want the Toggle shown on the children rows. Is this possible?

 Yes, it's possible. Two ways:
1 - Insert one blank child row to the row within the Toggle, them connect the "before expand" signal to a callback function where you verify if toggled. Them, if toggled, you delete this blank row and insert new rows. 2 - When inserting, you verify if toggled, if yes, you insert children rows, if no, not insert. Then you connect the "toggled" signal to a callback function where you check if toggled, if yes, you insert children rows, if no, delete children rows.

I prefer the second option, but the first option provides insert rows just only the user see children rows. You can also mix the options.

 Good Luck!



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