signals in Eventbox [was: begginer with C++]


I explain it.
My reference code is there

It use signal_clicked(), that need a void function for callback

		// utility functions
		template <typename T_widget>
		void addClickHandler(const std::string& id, void (MainWindow::*pFunc)())
			T_widget* pWidget;
			mpGlade->get_widget(id, pWidget);
			pWidget->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, pFunc));

In my code (
I use a signal_button_press_event() in a eventbox.

  mpGlade->get_widget("boxAbout", mpEventBox);
  mpEventBox->set_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);

My questions are:

-I can use signal_clicked() in EventBox (I think that NO)
-BUTTON_PRESS_MASK is the better way to "emulate a GKT Image as button.

I have also other questions about GLADE, but I put it in other post.

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

2006/2/25, Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon jongsma gmail com>:
> Sorry, I'm still not quite sure I understand the question.  You can't
> use *what* in an EventBox?
> Jonner

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