Re: begginer with C++

It work, I have compliled my 1º C++ program.

In the code that i use as reference they used signal_activate(). I
think that i can use it in a EventBox ¿It's true?

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

2006/2/25, Jonathon Jongsma
> It should return a bool.  The previous suggestions got it backwards
> (except Jason, who got the return value correct the first time but
> then changed his mind :) ).  The signature of
> signal_button_press_event() is as follows:
> Glib::SignalProxy1<bool,GdkEventButton*>
> Gtk::Widget::signal_button_press_event()
> If you look at the template arguments, they tell you what your
> signal-handler function must look like.  The first argument specifies
> the return value, and the remaining arguments specify the arguments
> that are passed to the function.  So it would look like this:
> bool MainWindow::onAbout(GdkEventButton* ev);
> (note that your original function took an argument of GdkEventKey*,
> but it should be GdkEventButton*)
> Jonner

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