Re: Gtk::Label doesn't refresh..

Ramashish Baranwal wrote:


I am trying to change the text of a Gtk::Label object with set_text.
But it doesn't get refreshed on the UI. The following is the code

void LoginWindow::on_button_login()
   m_LabelStatus.set_text("Signing in..");

   Glib::ustring user = m_EntryUser.get_text();
   Glib::ustring passwd = m_EntryPasswd.get_text();

   if(m_LoginSignal.emit(user, passwd))        // login succeeded
       hide();                                 // return to caller

   // login failed, let the user try again..
   m_LabelStatus.set_text("Incorrect username or password!");

The function is called when the user presses the Login button. Before
it the m_LabelStatus has the text "Sign in" which I want to get
changed to "Signing in.." when the user attempts to logon.
Can I force the changed text to appear "immediately" on Gtk::Label?

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gtkmm-list gnome org

try using while(Gtk::Main::events_pending()) Gtk::Main::iteration(false); after m_labelStatus.set_text(...);

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