Re: Gtk::TreeView

Hello Bob,

Thanks so much. Your code example was very helpful.


From: Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com>
Reply-To: bob fis-cal com
To: Rose Cumming <rose_alice_cumming hotmail com>
CC: gtkmm-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Gtk::TreeView
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 05:24:07 -0600

Rose Cumming wrote:


I'm new to using Gtk::TreeView.
I have a tree view with 2 columns. One column for texts and one column for a boolean.

If I want to perform some functions when the "check box" (for the boolean value) is checked/unchecked on a certain row, which signal do I use to connect my signal handler?

And if this row has some children rows, is there a way I can find and iterate through these children rows under the currently selected row?

I cannot find any examples around.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


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Hi Rose,

I use the checkbox as a column.  Here's how I do it:
   // create the check box column
   tree->append_column_editable("Access", m_columns.m_check);
// connect to the cell renderer's "signal_toggled" signal ((Gtk::CellRendererToggle *)tree->get_column_cell_renderer(0))->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Menucfg::on_child_toggled));

As for iterating through the tree, whenever a row check box is toggled, I want to do just that, except that I want all descendents *and* ancestors of that row to be checked as well, so here is how I do that:

There are two functions involved:

// this handles both cases, the button was checked, or unchecked. First it calls // check_all_children to handle descendants, then it goes on to handle ancestors
void Menucfg::on_child_toggled(Glib::ustring str)
     Gtk::TreeModel::Path path(str.c_str());
   Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(list->get_iter(path));
   Gtk::TreeModel::Row parent = *(row.parent());
   Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter;
   Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = row.children();
           parent[m_columns.m_check] = true;
           parent = *(parent.parent());
           Gtk::TreeModel::Children siblings = parent.children();
           for(iter = siblings.begin(); iter != siblings.end(); ++iter)
               Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *iter;
           parent[m_columns.m_check] = (iter != siblings.end());
           parent = *(parent.parent());

// check_all_children toggles the checked state of all descendants
// of the current row if there are any.  If it encounters a row that
// also has descendants, it just recursively calls itself.
void Menucfg::check_all_children(Gtk::TreeModel::Children& children,bool condition)
for(Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter)
       Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *iter;
       child_row[m_columns.m_check] = condition;
       Gtk::TreeModel::Children next = child_row.children();
   }       }

I hope this helps.

Bob Caryl

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