missing functionality in Gtk::TreeIter ?


Since I'm really just now getting the hang of the concept of iterators I might be wrong here, but it seems to me that implementing operators like +, -, +=, etc makes sense.
For instance, in a program I'm writing at the moment I have to check whether an iterator points to the last element in the list. After the check I want to be able to use the original iterator, so what I do now is this:

if ((++iter)--)
... // use the original iter here

This to me seems a bit ackward. I also tried comparing the iter to list->children().rbegin(), but apparently forward and backward iterators can't be (directly) compared. Maybe this comparison would work if you dereferenced both iterators, but this also seems ackward to me.

So my question is if it does make sense to add these operators, or if I'm overlooking something?

cheers, Joost

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