Re: Using CMake

> Does anyone on this list use CMake rather than Autotools to build GTKmm
> (and GnomeUImm) applications?  CMake has build-in support for GTK

How very bizarre and special. I guess you mean this, from

FindGTK: try to find GTK (and glib) and GTKGLArea

  GTK_INCLUDE_DIR   - Directories to include to use GTK
  GTK_LIBRARIES     - Files to link against to use GTK
  GTK_FOUND         - GTK was found
  GTK_GL_FOUND      - GTK's GL features were found

which appears to be very unofficial (or just official but crappy) and has
these problems at first glance:
- Can't specify the version require.
- Looks for GTKGLArea, for no apparent reason. Hardly anybody needs this.

> but
> not for GTKmm or GnomeUImm and I was wondering if anyone might be
> working on this.

I guess there built-in GTK support is implemented with some script
somewhere. Maybe you can do something similar for gtkmm and give it back
to them.

The UsePkgConfig macro mentioned on that page is probably more appropriate.

But after this first disappointing (though superficial) introduction to
CMake, it doesn't seem worth it to me.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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