Image drawing throughput

I know this topic has had the occasional beating, but I wanted to put out a feeler to see if anyone has some insight into the more efficient meands of drawing images.

Currently, I'm going the route of using a Gtk::DrawingArea and Gdk::Pixbuf. Currently, I'm getting frame rates of about 20-30 fps.

The only thing is, I've got an old OpenMotif program ( that I didn't write ) thats probably upwards of 50 fps. And before you all start going on about how 20-30 is respectable, I'm mostly asking because I'm gonna be adding some stuff that will slow down the whole process ( image processing stuff not associated to the actual drawing ) and if I can squeeze a bit more performance out of the drawing, that'd be helpful.

So anyhow, my question is basically, is there a good way to get at the underlying XWindows objects to try and avoid the copying operations? As it is now, I got from an 8bit image, to 24bit ( my code ) and then use Pixbuf::create_from_data

Now ideally reading from disk directly into the pix buf would be nice, ( but my images are in a non standard format for various reasons ).

Anywho, basically, I'm just asking if anyone knows of a good way to speed up this type of operation. And I don't mean cause its flickering and absolutely sucks. I'm talking about boring pistons to get those extra few CC's of power.

Any ideas are welcome
Paul Davis

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