Re: Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data problem

It don't work when multiplying my rowstride by 3, it segfault, probably because the source array is width*height and not width*height*3.

How must be organized the data in the array that I gave as argument to create_from_data ?

Any other solution ?


Le 24 avr. 06 à 22:43, Bob Caryl a écrit :

Aurélien KAMEL wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a Pixbuf from an array of pixels. The array size is width*height, with only one channel because it's a grayscale image.
I call create_from_data like this :

Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data(mp.getImg(i,j)->getSrc(), // guint8* array (1024*768)
                    mp.getImg(i,j)->getSizeX(), // 1024
                    mp.getImg(i,j)->getSizeY(), // 768
                    mp.getImg(i,j)->getSizeX()); // 1024

But when I save it to a file or display it I see my image repeated horizontally three times.

I guess it's a problem of channel number ?

How can I solve it ?

Thanks for your help,

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Multiply your rowstride by 3...  it should work then.


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