Re: signal_enter_notify_event() does nothing

Bartek Kostrzewa wrote:

I think you could add mouse related events to the button, like adding
in its ctor (or just after it was created):


See you
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

How would I put that in my code? just like so?:

toolUndo.add_events( ... ); (or "->" if toolUndo is a pointer) ... is
toolUndo a pointer? because that might be the problem.. altough the
compiler should shout if it is not a pointer (and you are using -> ) you
might be compiling on the microsoft compiler and that's known to be
pretty crappy concerning type safety

so toolUndo is a Gtk::Button ?

I use gcc and toolUndo->add_events (Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK ); doesn't change anything either.
Let me show some sourcecode:

class MainWindow:public Gtk::Window {
     Gtk::ToolButton *toolUndo;
     virtual bool nothingExec(GdkEventCrossing* event);
     virtual bool nothingClick(GdkEventButton* event);

  toolUndo=Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(iconToolUndo));
toolUndo->add_events (Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK ); toolUndo->signal_enter_notify_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&MainWindow::nothingExec)); toolUndo->signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&MainWindow::nothingClick)); toolUndo->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::nothingToDo));

void MainWindow::nothingToDo(){
  std::cout << "nothing to do" << std::endl;

bool MainWindow::nothingExec(GdkEventCrossing* event){
  std::cout << "nothing to exec" << std::endl;
  return false;

bool MainWindow::nothingClick(GdkEventButton* event){
  std::cout << "nothing to click" << std::endl;
  return false;

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