Re: printing

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:49:21 +0200, Juan Francisco Gonz�z <juanfran ugenawireless net> wrote:

Ok, but i have been searching on web about libgnomeprint windows and i
haven�t find any thing suitable to do it.

Can you post me any link to read about it?

thank you.

Sorry but i think i answered to quickly, i made a class to output formatted text to a printer in linux, windows and to a textview with the same api about a year ago, and never looked at the details since.

I checked just now and i am using libgnomeprint only in linux, in windows i use pangowin32, i can then render a pango layout to the windows printer Hdc.

If you like i can send you my source code, maybe you can use it as a starting point.


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