Re: exchanging data between different programs

If you were to use a socket to receive your data from the other program, you could connect a callback slot to the GUI application idle loop that uses a non-blocking read on that socket. This would allow your main GUI thread to run somewhat normally while still listening for the data from the other program.
Bob Caryl

Andreas Schropp wrote:


I wanted to write some GUI-application using
gtkmm-2.0 that acts somewhat similar than a
server application. So, there shall be the GUI
permitting the manipulation of different things
and a different part of code waiting on a string from
another program (non-GUI) to arrive.
I am quite a programming starter and I don't have
any clue how to implement something like that.
What to use? Signals, pipes, sockets??

Until now, my server always freezes the GUI ...

Thanks a lot in advance!!


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