TreeView help

This is my first take at a TreeView, and I tried to figure it out on my
own from the docs, but I must resort once again to the community.

I have a bunch of files which I want to load and display in a TreeView
using a ListStore. I can do that, and do something to a selected row, ONLY
in SELECTION_SINGLE mode. In SELECTION_MULTIPLE, I'm trying to pass a
callback to select_foreach() but it never gets called. Please see
tree_path_action() below, and the constructor of the main window.

In fact, I don't even understand very well how multiple selection works.
The user does Ctrl+Button1 on each item it wants, then what? When does
select_foreach() get called? When does gtk (or X?) that the user is done
picking items, and that the action on each item must be triggered?

I got the whole multiple selection wrong, haven't I?

The model is trivial:

class ColsModel : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord

    ColsModel() { add(name); }

    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<string> name;

// Main window class is

class DisplayWindow : public DisplayWindow_glade
    // read the names of the items from command line. 
    DisplayWindow(int beg, int end, char * infiles[]);
    ~DisplayWindow() {}

    typedef Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection_t;
    typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Row row_t;
    typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Path path_t;

    ColsModel colmodel_;
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> SelStore_;
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> Selection_;

    void on_selection_changed();
    // more callbacks

    void tree_iter_action(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row);
    void tree_path_action(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path & row);

// In the constructor:

DisplayWindow::DisplayWindow(int beg, int end, char * infiles[])
    // Create store (StoreList) for the TreeView item selector 
    // according to ColsModel.
    SelStore_= Gtk::ListStore::create(colmodel_);

    // Selection.
    selection_t Selection_=ItemSelector->get_selection();
	sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DisplayWindow::on_selection_changed));

    // What to do with a multiple selection.
	sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DisplayWindow::tree_path_action) );

    // Fill the item selector with file names. 
    row_t row;
	row = *(SelStore_->append());


// Callbacks:
void DisplayWindow::on_selection_changed()
    cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << endl;

// Coming in, is the selected row, which we must act upon.
void DisplayWindow::tree_iter_action(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
    row_t row=*iter;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<string> name;
    string rowname;

    //Do something with the row.
    cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << endl;
//     row[name];
    rowname = iter->get_value(name);
    cerr << rowname << endl;
//     cerr << row[name] << endl;

void DisplayWindow::tree_path_action(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path & row)
    cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << endl;


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