Re: Contributing to gtkmm documentation

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 11:00 -0700, John Taber wrote:
> As I start using gtkmm for a large app, I am posting a lot of questions to the 
> list that I could not find and appreciate the kindness of those answering - I 
> would like to contribute back with some FAQ's and cookbook How-Tos to help 
> others start using gtkmm - at the end of the tutorial it indicates that 
> contributions should be in xml format - is there a particular authoring tool 
> that is best ?

Not really. Conglomerate might help, but DocBook is simple markup.

>   Anyone in particular to send it to ?
> John

The FAQ, book, and reference documentation is in cvs:

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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