Re: creating rounded windows ?

Bob Caryl wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 17:33:38 +0100, Francois Berger wrote:
i'm a newbie to gtkmm and i'd like to know if it is possible to use
some kind of transparency property to create a rounded frame, or a
frame with a hole in it...
Having been a Windows programmer for many years, this post intrigues me. Is there no support for the concept of "owner drawn" controls and windows under linux?
Well these are two separate concepts; what the OP was asking about would 
be done with SetWindowRgn() and family on Windows. There is an example 
of that, as mentioned before, in the wheelbarrow demo. For gtkmm: I assume 
that with 'owner drawn' controls you mean 'custom controls with their 
own WndProc that handle all messages themselves, including WM_PAINT'. 
That can be done in gtk/gtkmm with 'custom controls', see the gtkmm 


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