Re: Callback to parent dialog

Still having some trouble (btw GtkWidget needs to be Gtk::Widget) - it doesn't like "this", etc. Wondering if it would be easier to just pass in a void pointer and then typecast it?

Nalin Singal wrote:
Maybe you need to do something like this:

GtkWidget* toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(this);
if(GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(toplevel)) {
  Gtk::GtkWidget* wrappedTL = wrap(topLevel, t/f);

There is a slight difference between gtk and gtkmm.
gtk objects can't be directly converted to gtkmm or
vice-versa. You need to call the wrap function to go
one way and gobj() function if you want to go the
other way.


--- John Taber <jtaber johntaber net> wrote:

I've tried the following but it's not right. Can
someone help out - thks.

Gtk::GtkWidget* toplevel =
if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (toplevel)) {

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