Re: how do I catch double clicks

John Taber escreveu:

How do I catch a mouse double click? I couldn't find any class documentation on GdkEventButton and the associated event->type enums and event->type==GDK_MOUSE_DOUBLE_PRESS did not work. thks.


To catch the single and double click, you can use this:

// The click timeout in ms
#define CLICK_TIMEOUT 250

bool On_Time = false;

bool Object::On_Click(GdkEventButton* Event){
   if (On_Time){
       On_Time = false;
       // Paste here the code to double click
       // Activate the timeout
       On_Time = true;
Time = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(SigC::slot(*this, &Object::Time_Click), CLICK_TIMEOUT); // This is on GTKmm
   return true;   // false - stop event  /  true - continue event

bool Object::Time_Click(){
   On_Time = false;
    // Paste here the code to single click
   return false;

Now, if you need just a double click, use:

bool Object::On_Double_Click(GdkEventButton* Event){
   if (Event->GdkEventType == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS){
       // Paste here the code to double click
   return true;   // false - stop event  /  true - continue event

The On_Click function must be connected on object's signal "button_press_event" and the declarations must be corrects. Note on the second case, the triple click also emit GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, so the function On_Double_Click will run two times.
See the GdkEventButton on GTK+ manual (or documentation) to learn more.



Claudio Polegato Junior

Um peregrino de Problemas; Um pergaminho de Soluções.

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