Missing Atk-1.9.0 exported symbols for Win32 build

Hi, all!

I'm not sure if this is the correct list, but I noticed that the Gtk and Gtkmm
lists have a lot of the same people, so here goes:

I have been hitting this problem for a few weeks now, when building
Gtkmm DLLs for Win32  (I'm using a mingw cross-compiler) for Inkscape's
Win32 builds.

We have unexported symbols in Atk-1.9.0 for Win32.  The following
symbols are missing during the creation of Atkmm's DLL:


I can comment the refs to them out for now, but I think
that it is dangerous to do so.

Btw, we use Gtk+/Gtkmm on Win32 all the time.  Thanks, guys!

Bob Jamison

Here is the link error:

Creating library file: .libs/libatkmm-1.6.dll.a
.libs/relation.o: In function `_ZN3Atk8Relation10add_targetERKN4Glib6RefPtrINS_6ObjectEEE': /home/rjamison/xmingw/gtkmm-2.6.4/atk/atkmm/../../atk/atkmm/relation.h:127: undefined reference to `_atk_relation_add_target' .libs/relationset.o: In function `_ZN3Atk11RelationSet20add_relation_by_typeENS_12RelationTypeERKN4Glib6RefPtrINS_6ObjectEEE': /home/rjamison/xmingw/gtkmm-2.6.4/atk/atkmm/../../atk/atkmm/relationset.h:80: undefined reference to `_atk_relation_set_add_relation_by_type' .libs/text.o: In function `_ZN4Glib5ValueIN3Atk12TextClipTypeEE10value_typeEv': /home/rjamison/xmingw/gtkmm-2.6.4/atk/atkmm/text.cc:231: undefined reference to `_atk_text_clip_type_get_type'

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