Subclassing Gtk::Dialog to create custom Dialog.

    Please don't dismiss this out of hand as it is not a pure
libglademm query. I am developing an application using libglademm
(easy now) and gtkmm. I have designed a number of custom dialogs but
am having trouble implementing them in code correctly. I am
subclassing the Gtk::Dialog class so all signal handlers are in the
one class, as the dialog is complicated and has a number of options. 
I retrieved the custom dialog's VBox from the XML file but am unsure
how to add it to the base dialog, as it already contains a VBox of its
own (retrieved by calling get_vbox in the subclass). I don't think
packing the original dialog's VBox with my own VBox is the right way
to go but can't think of an alternative option (apart from retrieving
each individual wiget from the custom VBox and adding them to the base
dialog's vbox one at a time). Is there an alternative, can I simply
replace the base class's VBox??

Sorry about the libglademm content of the query.


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