Re: Some questions

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 15:38 -0800, Mattos wrote:
> im programming an aplication that when i push a button
> a new dialog should appear asking to the user for his
> name, address and age. I connect the click signal to a
> function that create a new dialog. But how can i add
> the information that i get from the dialog to my class
> user_information created in ?

If you created a class for your dialog by inheriting from Gtk::Dialog,
then you can define member functions in that class that return the
required information. For example, if your dialog has a Gtk::Entry that
the user inputs their name into, then

Glib::ustring MyDialog::Name()
	return iNameEntry->get_text();

would work (or something like that). Basically, you would create and run
the dialog like this:

MyDialog dlg;
if ( == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
	Glib::ustring name(dlg.Name());

Then the variable "name" contains the user's name. I never tried to
compile this code, but on a quick scan it looks reasonable.

Have a look here ( ) for more info on using
Dialogs. The FileChooser example gets the file name chosen by the user
via the get_filename() function.


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