Re: Drawing antialiased shapes with alpha transparency

On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 20:21 +0100, Samuel Abels wrote:
> > The buffer can be obtained from a Gdk::Pixbuf if you want.
> Thanks, this is what I will do.

I have just finished porting the canvas, and so far libcairo is doing a
fine job in doing exactly what I wanted.
All components draw themselves efficiently to an RGBA surface.
Now I am not sure how to expose that surface in an efficient manner

Is there a way to obtain a Gdk::Window's buffer? Or rather, what is the
best way to obtain an RGB(A) buffer that I can draw to directly.
Gdk::Pixbuf provides ::get_pixels(), but is there a widget holding a

I also tried using 

                                 x, y, width, height,

but this API does not allow to copy only an area (x1, y1, x2, y2) of the
source buffer to the widget's buffer (x3, y3), so I would have to create
another temporary image. If I don't, this is very slow (there is a
Also, I am wondering why to copy the data in the first place instead of
being able to draw directly into the window's RGB(A) buffer.

Any ideas?

|      Samuel Abels       |    |
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