Re: disabling a MenuItem easily when using Menu_Helpers?

You can either
a) Use Gtk::UIManager.
b) Use items().back() after you add an item, and store the widget for

On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 15:08 -0500, Philip Lowman wrote:
> I've created some menus with the Gtk::Menu_Helpers interface as shown but
> now I would like to be able to call set_sensitive(false) on some of the
> entries to disable them.  One way I found of doing this is simply creating
> a MenuList like so and referring to the index of the MenuItem I care about
> by number:
>    void MainWindow::on_menu_help_about()
>    {
>       Gtk::Menu::MenuList& menulist = m_editmenu.items();
>       menulist[0].set_sensitive(false);
>    }
> Unfortunately this seems a rather restrictive way of doing things since it
> assumes that I know the menu layout beforehand.  I know that in gtk if you
> use a call like gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory,
> "path/to/menu/item") you can get a handle to the widget and disable the
> menu entry.
> Is there an equivalent way to do this in gtkmm when you construct the
> MenuList with the Menu_Helpers interface as shown above or would I have to
> build the Menu up manually?  I suppose I could use a hash table, constants
> or something else for a more convenient way to use the [] indexing but
> even then it seems less than ideal.
> I know, I'm probably trying to have my cake and eat it too...
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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