Re: Pixbuf & Text Editable Model Colum in one TreeView Column

Please I really need to know if this is posible. My work is stoped until
I can do it.


El mié, 23-02-2005 a las 20:11 +0100, Diego Fdez. Durán escribió:
> Hello
> I've a Pixbuf Model Column and a Text Model Column in one TreeView
> Column, but i need edit the text!
> Now i do the folowing:
> ------------------
> Gtk::TreeView::Column* fileColumn = Gtk::manage( new
> Gtk::TreeView::Column(_("Nombre de Archivo")) ); 
> fileColumn->pack_start(m_Columns.m_col_icon, false); //false = don't
> expand.
> fileColumn->pack_start(m_Columns.m_col_name);
> file_treeView.append_column(*fileColumn);
> -----------------
> The code joins the 2 columns in 1 view column, but i can't edit the text
> of the m_col_name column. I've tryed the code examples from the gtkmm
> tutorial. 
> How can i get the cell renderer of the m_col_name in the column and then
> do cell->property_editable() = true; ?
> Please Help !
> Thanks in advance
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Diego Fdez. Durán <diego goedi net>
GPG ID: 90D266BB

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