re-using menus

Yet another not-a-normal-use.

I have a menu filled with several  Gtk::MenuItems that have been
attatch()ed in various places. One of the functions of this menu alters
its own content - which I have almost gotten to work. I can tell because
it has exactly the right height - bu no text. The menu is completely
white, and highliting only shows up on the edge.

tmp is my Gtk::Menu.

      MenuForPath(tmp, [rebuild info] );

And the menu seems to be functional - I click in the right place, and the
correct things happen - but tht labels are invisable and highlighting is


For the other way I can think of doing this - replacing the menu instead
of reusing it - I do know of Insert() for puttin a menu in the same
location, but I haven't been able to find a function to get the old menus'
location in the menubar (or to remove said old menu).


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