Re: adding arbitrarily many widgets after creation of the main window

>I am new to gtkmm and use gtkmm2.4 under SuSE9.2. 
>My aim is to write a program with ACID Pro
>functionality for Linux. 

Lets start by making sure you know about

Then lets move on to make sure you know about the
widget, which really isn't a part of Gnome (at least,
no more than GTK
is - it has no more dependencies on Gnome than GTK

The canvas is a much better widget than a DrawingArea
for this stuff
because of its support for alpha blending, z-order
stacking and more.


Cool, that did it. The docu of Gnome::Canvas
illustrated you to use Gtk::mnage properly. That made
it very easy to arrange Widgets the way I wanted. 


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