Re: Can I stop events for a while ??

Creating another function to modify the font and calling it from the
on_size_allocate override will prevent the endless loop, but the
practical results are not too good.  The label font gets very large very
fast.  This is probably a dreadful idea. 

Example code follows:

// code starts
class miMaquina : public VBox
    miMaquina(bool homogeneous,int spacing) {
Gtk::VBox::VBox(homogeneous,spacing); no_resize = FALSE; }
    Gtk::Label *lbl;
    bool no_resize;
    resize_font(int height);
    on_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation &alloc);

void miMaquina::resize_font(int height)
    no_resize = TRUE;  // setting this to true before modifying
                                     // the font will prevent the
                                     // override from calling this
function repeatedly.
    Pango::FontDescription fd;
    fd.set_size((height * Pango::SCALE));

void miMaquina::on_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation &alloc)
    int alto = alloc.get_height();
       no_resize = FALSE;
// code ends

Oh yeah, be sure to set miMaquina::lbl to point to whatever label you
are packing into your miMaquina instance.


Sergio Trinidad wrote:

> I have the next code
> class miMaquina : public VBox
> {
>       Gtk:Label *lbl;
>         .....
> };
> ....
> ....
> void miMaquina::on_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation &alloc)
> {
>     int alto = alloc.get_height();
>     int ancho = alloc.get_width();
>     Gtk::VBox::on_size_allocate(alloc);
>     Pango::FontDescription fd;
>     fd.set_size((alto*Pango::SCALE));
>     lbl->modify_font(fd);
> }
> The problem is that when the events ocurrs the lbl->modify_font(fd)
> activates
> a new on_size_allocate event, because the size of label changes with
> the size
> of new text, and a infinite loop is launchet until X server gets an
> error.
> Can I stop signal emiting for a while, then apply 'lbl->modify_font'
> and later
> activate again the event??
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