Re: License question

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 21:38, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:


> For example, my business partner and I just started the libx3d project
> ( and the license we intend to use is
> the LGPL. There might possibily be some templates available for the
> library, so we might want to reconsider using the license. But the
> point is, even released under the LGPL, we are only interested in a)
> allowing the code to be used in another application, open source or
> proprietary, and b) if changes are made, share them back out so we all
> can benefit. This is why for the SSWF library (,
> the license chosen was the BSD.

The traditional BSD licence does not require your point b, so the SSWF library 
may have missed its target.  (Otherwise OS X would not have been developed by 

It looks as if the GNU libstdc++ licence or a LGPL modified along the lines I 
have mentioned might be the answer.

You can modify the licence any time you like provide that all those who hold 
the copyright consent - which is the authors unless they have assigned 
copyright or have produced it in the course of their employment.  (This is 
English law, I do not know about your own jurisdiction.)


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